BioChek is pleased to announce the availability of its Salmonella spp DNA Test – Salmonella qPCR Reagents for direct sale in the United States. Salmonella qPCR Reagents have been sanctioned by USDA-APHIS for immediate use in NPIP-approved laboratories. The test has also been granted AFNOR certification (BCK 40/01-07/19) for worldwide implementation by microbiological food safety testing laboratories.
Accurately detecting and monitoring the presence of DNA from Salmonella species in house environmental samples, cloacal swabs and hatchery samples. ISO 16140 validated (AFNOR) for testing poultry slaughter operations, raw meat and egg products.
Validated workflow
The Salmonella qPCR Reagents workflow comprises DNA extraction followed by Real-Time PCR detection, designed for highly specific and sensitive screening of Salmonella in 24 hours only, including NPIP-approved pre-enrichment in Tetrathionate (TT) broth.
Salmonella qPCR Reagents benefits
• Effectively help feed mills, broiler breeders farms, hatcheries and processing plants to closely monitor, control and react to emerging pathogens in poultry and poultry products.
• Support streamlining operational processes, allowing for quick hygiene monitoring status and early release, through rapid negative screening of samples.
Cost-efficient workflow against culture methods and commercially available alternative methods
• Quick DNA extraction (lysis) protocol; no spin columns, no magnetic beads.
• Complete set of PCR controls, including a validated positive control.
• Broad instrument compatibility; use your PCR instrument of choice.
• Quick PCR protocol; early phase real-time detection of positive samples.
• High-negative predictive value; rapid screening without any further testing.
• BioChek Monitoring Software for workflow setup, auto-validation and auto-reporting.
For more information on BioChek Salmonella qPCR Reagents contact your BioChek representative, or go to: