Is reliable detection of PRRSv causing you headaches?
Have confidence in your results: BioChek’s vetproof® Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus qPCR Kit is here!
BioChek now offers all the diagnostic tools to assist you with your PRRS approach, including virus detection, viral extraction solutions, serology, software to simplify your workflow, biosecurity verification tools, and an easy-to-understand dashboard, adding value to test results.
Our vetproof® Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus qPCR Kit solves diagnostic problems:
  1. Excellent strain coverage and reliable detection and differentiation between PRRSV Type I (EU), PRRSv Type II (NA), and subtype HP (highly pathogenic NA strains)
  2. Suitable for all relevant matrices.
  3. Great sensitivity and a low limit of detection (10 copies per reaction) make high-throughput screening possible in pools of up to 10 serum samples.
Contact your BioChek representative or mail us at to see how we can be your partner in the diagnostics and management of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome.

For more information, contact us

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