Product code MP104
AFNOR Approved Rapid Test (certificate BCK 40/01-07/19)
Following the positive agreement of the AFNOR Technical Board expressed during its meeting held the 3rd and 4th of July 2019, AFNOR Certification approved the BioChek Salmonella Species DNA Test Kit. This approval allows worldwide implementation of this alternative test by laboratories for food safety microbiology and associated veterinary testing. It has also been sanctioned by USDA-APHIS (June 13th, 2019) for immediate use in National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) approved laboratories.
The Salmonella Species DNA Test Kit has been validated against the ISO 6579-1 reference method according to ISO 16140-2: 2016 protocol, accurately detecting the presence of DNA from Salmonella species in primary production and production environment samples, animal feed products, meat products, egg and egg products, and other human foodstuffs. It has been extensively tested on poultry house environmental samples, cloacal swabs and hatchery samples derived from layers, broilers and turkeys.
BioChek Real-Time PCR Benefits
Current standard reference methods for detecting Salmonella in the food and food animal production chain are accurate or sensitive, but can be time-consuming and laborious. The BioChek Salmonella Species DNA Test offers a cost-efficient low- to high-throughput workflow, designed to screen both presence and absence of Salmonella within three hours after overnight sample pre-enrichment in buffered peptone water (BPW): straightforward and scalable BioChek Lysis Buffer A DNA extraction, followed by Real-Time PCR detection of Salmonella species DNA.
This allows microbiology laboratories to:
- Effectively help farmers, industry and governmental bodies to closely monitor, control and react to emerging pathogens at every stage of the food chain (‘farm to fork’).
- Facilitate quick hygiene monitoring status, quick intervention, and early product release.
- Meet regulatory requirements and help guarantee the safety of end consumers.
- Support streamlining operational processes, and generate cost savings in- and outside the laboratory.
Practical information
- Quick workflow protocol (<2.5 h), with limited hands-on time (< 30 min).
- Easy and efficient genomic DNA extraction, using a straightforward lysis method.
- Early phase real-time detection of positive samples (< 1 h 20 min) for rapid follow-up and timely intervention.
Flexibility and Ease in Your Daily Workflow
- Ready-to-use reagents for DNA extraction and Real-Time PCR.
- Cost-efficient lysis method: no spin-columns, no magnetic beads; limited equipment and consumables.
- Broad instument compatibility (e.g. Bio-Rad CFX96™, Applied Biosystems® 7500, Stratagene Mx3005P™, Roche LightCycler® 480).
High-quality Results, using Proven Technology
- Use of an internal positive PCR control (IC) to prevent false negative results.
- Negative and positive controls to safeguard PCR assay validity.
- 100% specificity for Salmonella spp, motile and non-motile strains, including Turkey isolates.
- High sensitivity, detecting down to 1.5 CFU per 25 gr of sample (AFNOR).
- Stable reagents for reliable and reproducible results.
- Approved rapid method: excellent agreement with NPIP culture methods.
Operational Cost-efficiencies
- Limited hands-on time and rapid screening of negative samples minimize cost of microbiology testing.
- Accurate results avoid unnecessary product recalls, and reduce cost of risk management.
- High throughput maximizes productivity: faster and fresher products release.
Ordering Information
BioChek Salmonella Species DNA Test Kit reagents will be provided in a single, eco-friendly paper packaging, holding two separate reagent compartments in line with ISO 22174:2004 general PCR requirements.
DNA Extraction
Catalogue number | Description |
KIT230344 | vetproof® Lysis Buffer A, 200 reactions
vetproof® Lysis Buffer A (KIT230344) must be used only with BioChek qPCR Reagents |
Salmonella qPCR Reagents
Catalogue number | Description |
MP104 | Salmonella Species DNA Test Kit, 100 reactions (AFNOR) |
MP102 | Salmonella Spp Se St DNA Test Kit, 100 reactions |
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