BioChek Webinar now available for on-demand viewing

BioChek Webinar Adenovirus

The popular BioChek webinar ‘Fowl adenovirus: using serology to control your flocks’ presented by Dr. Rafael Monleon is now available to watch on-demand. BioChek and Watt Global Media presented this unique webinar live on September 9th. For those who could not attend that day and for those who would like to re-watch is, please go to the Registration website for on-demand viewing

More information on the Biochek Webinar

FAV are worldwide-distributed viruses that affect poultry in a wide array of manifestations that vary in form. This webinar will present the serological methods used in the diagnosis and monitoring of Fowl adenovirus so poultry producers can prevent disease cause by the organism. Special emphasis will be put on ELISA as a tool for mass screening. Diagnosis of FAV is attained by combination of several techniques, including ELISA as a useful tool. The control of FAV is complex, and involves among others: biosecurity, achieving sero-conversion of parent flocks prior to lay and avoiding immunosuppression.

Who should view the BioChek Webinar:

Poultry veterinarians, integrators, producers and processors, poultry farm managers, C-level poultry professionals, allied poultry health professionals

What You’ll Learn during the BioChek Webinar:

• What are the pathological conditions caused by Fowl adenovirus (FAV)
• Learn about serological methods available to diagnose and monitor FAV
• How to use ELISA as a tool to control the impact of FAV and maintain healthier flocks

About the speaker, Rafael Monleon:

Rafael MonleonDr. Rafael Monleon graduated with a DVM from University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and with a MSpVM/Residency from North Carolina State University (USA). He is a Diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians and a Registered ARPAS Professional Animal Scientist with specialty in Poultry. He has authored several publications in leading journals and industry magazines and is a well-known international speaker that has been invited to multiple meetings and conferences worldwide. Dr. Monleon has been in the poultry industry for more than 12 years and has a broad experience ranging from primary breeding to processing. He worked for the Meat Hygiene Service in the United Kingdom safeguarding public health in poultry processing operations, then moved to work for Aviagen as Regional Veterinarian implementing poultry health plans in the Asia Pacific region. In 2013, he joined BioChek, where he is currently managing product development, technical support, and the link between research and field performance at customer level.

Click here to view the BioChek webinar. Subscribe through e-mail; it’s mandatory but free.

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