vetproof Newcastle Disease Virus RNA Test Kit

Newcastle Disease Virus RNA Test Kit

A highly sensitive and specific PCR test kit allowing simultaneous differentiation and quantification of common live vaccine strains and the more pathogenic field strain of Newcastle Disease Virus.

For NDV, most vaccines are of low virulence (lentogenic). By targeting for mesogenic/ velogenic NDV strains on an additional channel within the same reaction, this panel allows for specific vaccine – field strain differentiation.

The Newcastle Disease Virus Multiplex RNA Test Kit allows for the simultaneous detection of the Newcastle disease virus and for a virulence factor (Mesogenic or velogenic marker) in extracts from tracheal/chloacal swabs in poultry.

The Newcastle Disease Virus Multiplex RNA Test Kit is used for:

  • Screening flocks for presence or absence of NDV
  • Confirm diagnosis in suspect flocks
  • Differentiation between live NDV vaccine strains and field strains
  • Quantification of viral load

Catalogue number:KIT230349
Classification:PCR test
Intended use:No
Kit format:100 tests
Data pack available:Upon request
OIE CertifiedNo
Reference controls:No

Poultry PCR Accessories

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