MS-H Diva qPCR

vetproof MS-H DIVA qPCR Kit

Real-time PCR for the detection and differentiation of DNA from Mycoplasma synoviae field strains and the MS-H vaccine strain in extracts from avian samples.


The kit contains all reagents and controls required for the detection of Mycoplasma synoviae field strains and vaccine strain MS-H. Amplified products are detected in real-time via a specific labelled hydrolysis probe, which is detected in a designated channel on the qPCR thermocycler. Mycoplasma synoviae field strains are detected in the FAM channel and vaccine strain MS-H is detected in the CY-5 channel. An Internal Control (IC) is detected in the HEX channel for identification of PCR inhibition to safeguard against false negative results.


In summary, the vetproof® MS-H DIVA qPCR Kit is a triplex assay enabling the simultaneous detection of:

  • Mycoplasma synoviae field strains
  • Vaccine strain MS-H
  • Internal Control

Catalogue number:KIT250001
Classification:Real-time PCR
Technique:Real-time PCR
Intended use:Detection and differentiation of Mycoplasma synoviae field strains and the MS-H vaccine strain in extracts from avian samples
Kit format:100 reactions
Data pack available:Upon request
Standards available:No

Poultry PCR Accessories

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