Salmonella Species PCR

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A highly sensitive and specific PCR test kit allowing the detection of Salmonella species DNA, extracted from extracted from primary production, production environment, and food samples, including sample enrichments.

The Salmonella Species DNA Test has been certified AFNOR, validating the test against the ISO 6579 reference method according to ISO 16140 protocol. It has gained (interim) USDA-APHIS approval for use in NPIP authorized laboratories.

The AFNOR certified Salmonella Species DNA Test Kit is a complete set of reagents which allows for the specific detection of all Salmonella strains in feed, food, primary production and production environment samples. Click here for more information on BioChek & AFNOR.

For NPIP use (house environmental samples, cloacal swabs and hatchery samples), the Salmonella Species DNA Test is provided as separate Salmonella qPCR Reagents. Click here for more information on BioChek & NPIP.

An optional set of Salmonella PCR standards facilitates the quantification (load) of Salmonella.

The test is designed as a multiplex reaction that includes an internal inhibition control, amplified in parallel with Salmonella target DNA, for a reliable individual test results. BioChek provides additional positive and negative controls to safeguard PCR assay validity.

Product type: Salmonella
Catalogue number:MP104 (AFNOR)
BP300/MP304/MP404 (NPIP)
Classification: Multiplex DNA test
Technique:Real-time PCR
Intended use: To detect the presence of Salmonella species in DNA extracts from animal-derived samples, production environment, feed and food, including the appropriate (e.g ISO 6579, NPIP) sample enrichments
Kit format:100 reactions
Kit components:Fluorescent probes; PCR amplification mix; positive and negative PCR controls
Standards available:Available, see accessories list

Food Safety PCR Accessories

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