Monitoring Software

Adding value to test results

BioChek Software Diagnostics

BioChek Monitoring Software provides insights into the health status of your flock or herd

BioChek investeds extensively in the development of ingenious veterinary diagnostic software. Using the BioChek II software, with just a press of a button, you as a lab technician or vet have all the information you need for monitoring the health of pigs or poultry. The BioChek II monitoring software does the work for you: saving a huge amount of work in your day-to-day practice!

BioChek Monitoring Software main advantages

Diagnostic testing for ELISA

The BioChek software stores results and flock/herd information in an Online Database allowing users to effectively manage ELISA results.
Many different reports are available to manage and analyse data such as:

  • Vaccination Date Prediction
  • Multiple results on one page
  • Automated Validated Results
  • Farm histogram
  • Farm trend report

Diagnostic testing for PCR

The BioChek software is well suited to handle the entire PCR process; from running the assay to generating a report that can contain both qualitative results and quantitative results. You can run multiple assays on a plate, with each assay getting its own report.

  • Time saving: BioChek II Software enables you to save time as various steps of the PCR test are automated.
  • Automatic verification: The Biochek software automatically verifies the assay using the negative and positive controls and samples are checked for inhibition. Divergent results are reported.
  • Qualitative and quantitative results: The software can generate both qualitative and quantitative reports using the PCR standards. The load of the target is automatically calculated.
  • Multiple assays on one plate: If there are multiple assays on a plate, every assay gets its own report.
  • Multiple flocks/herds, different reports: If several flocks / herds on a plate are being tested for the same target, every flock / herd gets its own report.

Data available anytime, anywhere

One of the finest recent innovations is the phenomenon of cloud computing: Secure 24/7 access to all your desired data. The BioChek Online Database makes this possible for all test results performed with the BioChek II software.

The BioChek Online Database is a great tool for those who need to access the data with the BioChek app while in the field, or on the desktop back at the lab/office. With access to the data virtually anywhere, the farm can submit the correct flock samples on time, the laboratory will have the correct corresponding flock data, and the supervising veterinarian will have all the necessary data when important decisions about the flock have to be made, with a clear overview of data per farm/customer. To access the cloud, the veterinarian can use his own lab(s) or those of others.

For more information, contact us

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