Learn more about ELISA and PCR diagnostic test kits, our software and our equipment during one of our Lab Trainings.
BioChek regularly organizes Open Lab Trainings for ELISA and PCR. The BioChek Lab training is meant for laboratory technicians using BioChek ELISA and/or PCR kits. Contact us for further details on the training and the next available dates and locations.
BioChek Software stores results and herd information in an online database, allowing users to
manage ELISA and PCR results effectively. A variety of reports are available to manage and
analyse data such as:
For questions regarding orders or to place an order
E-mail: orders@biochek.com
Call: +31 (0)182 582 592
For other (technical) support
E-mail: support@biochek.com
BioChek BV, The Netherlands
Fokkerstraat 14
2811 ER Reeuwijk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)182 582 592