vetproof App-Hps-Mhyo qPCR Kit

App Hps Mhyo DNA Test Kit1

The App-Hps-Mhyo DNA Test Kit (App-Hps-Mhyo qPCR) will detect the presence of DNA from App and/or Hps and/or Mhyo in extracts from porcine samples. Primers and probes are specific App and/or Hps and/or Mhyo; each probe is labelled with a specific fluorophore which is detected in a designated channel on the qPCR thermocycler. After extraction of the Nucleic Acids, samples are added to plates along with the dedicated Reaction Mix. The prepared wells are placed in the qPCR cycler for amplification and detection.

Product type: Swine
Catalogue number: KIT230365
Technique:PCR test
Intended use:To detect the presence or absence of App, Hps and/or Mhyo
Kit format:100 tests
Data pack available:Upon request
Standards available:Yes

Swine PCR Accessories

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